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Somatosensory System

Organic senses often seem to be separate, yet are grouped into shared pathways when they report to the brain. Haptics, tactile sense, both heat and cold detection, proprioception and nociception all use the same sensory pathways to report data back to the brain, thus it is fundamentally possible to address all of them as one. This is known as the somatosensory system.

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

Related Dictionary Entries for Somatosensory System:


Somatosensory System

Tactile Sensor


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Cells with double vision
Unlike in the peripheral nervous system, where cells are often unable to distinguish which branching pathway an electrical system is travelling from, the central nervous system makes use of sophisticated internal networks not too dissimilar from an IP record, to differentiate between nervous pathways.

This book is very much a holistic first-timer?s guide to creating a hideously complex system ? a full virtual reality. The book describes a VR system as ?a system that provides a synthetic experience for its user(s)?, a definition which could not possibly be any broader.

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A Realistic Equipment System
One person?s take on creating an inventory system that emulates reality.

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Virtual Manniquin - You!
Industry News

Industry news, originally posted 02-02-2004, deemed too important to allow to fade. Tired of battling with wardrobe accessories in crampt changing rooms? Fed up of trying oh-so-carefully not to damage items whilst your body does its best to get in the way, and the stall is falling apart around you? VR may have a solution, in the form of a system developed by Toshiba. The company is developing a 3D, realtime system uses video cameras to create a virtual copy of your body on a screen, and not only moves with you, just as a mirror would, but also tries on clothes, without you having to. The system is still at an early stage, but it could in use in stores within three years.

The human brain is the ultimate legacy system, with bodges, klonks, workarounds and kludges forcing it to work as a (mostly) cohesive system.

SonixTouch is a portable touch screen system, that can be customised by the clinician, into any display method, and compatible with any general purpose or specific ultrasound medical system. It adapts to process the results from anything.

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Improving LIDAR: Calibrate and Scan
A new technology currently being trialled by the EU, seeks to substantially improve the LIDAR machine vision system's accuracy. To enable the system to differentiate between moving and stationary targets, and prioritise where to scan.

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Large Image Display: Animatrix: Beyond: Status Update
A sample of the logging routines from Animatrix: Beyond, signaling all the data the machines need to keep a perfect record of what transpired in the system. It serves here as a reminder that when creating your own simulation, you do not have to go overboard and be verbose on the system logs. All it needs is the basic, bare bones information.

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ActiveWorlds: Avatar Movement Restrictions
As one of the major, established social VR platforms on the internet today, ActiveWorlds deserves more than a cursory look at its world system, its strengths and more importantly, its limitations deserve looking at, in detail. This article focusses on the ActiveWorlds Avatar Control System


Industry News containing the Term Somatosensory System:

Results by page

A research team led by Professor Ed X. Wu of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Hong Kong has used an innovative neuroimaging tool to interrogate the complex brain networks and functions.

Scientists from RIKEN Brain Science Institute in Wako, Japan and the Institute of Neurology at University College London have discovered that the brains of macaque monkeys undergo significant development when they are taught how to use tool...

Dr. José Contreras-Vidal of the University of Houston has designed a pair of bionic legs that respond directly to signals from the brain.

The problem with the current brain-computer interface approach — implanting electrodes ...

Experiencing strong emotions synchronizes brain activity across individuals, a research team at Aalto University and Turku PET Centre in Finland has revealed.

Human emotions are highly contagious. Seeing others' emotional ex...

Portions of Albert Einstein’s brain have been found to be unlike those of most people and could be related to his extraordinary cognitive abilities, according to a new study led by Florida State University evolutionary anthropologist Dean F...